cosmic synergy
psy trance partyDJs: psychowarrior, richard ahlberg, reenperformance by sehstörung
Sat, 24. March 2001
psy trance partyDJs: psychowarrior, richard ahlberg, reenperformance by sehstörung
Sat, 24. March 2001
psytrance party im velvet in leipzig. (The chai was delicious!)DJs: markus&falk, psychowarrior, dino anokhi
Sat, 16. December 2000
small family party, which took place in the "Falle". the deco was great, has transformed the small club completely, the music was nothing to be desired. All in all, great, you've missed a thing!!!
Fri, 08. December 2000
secret open-air experience on the idyllic terrain of the paper mill Nausnitz
Fri, 01. September 2000 - Sun, 03. September 2000
psy floor: atyss (radio fg, paris) thomas (cosmicwalker), marcus (project reen)chill floor: easy (jactatio), ghubbbb (cosmicwalker), stefan k, Cairo & mc Fedja
Sat, 25. March 2000
psy trance partyDJs: alpha (freeform/mushroom), psychowarrior (cosmicwalker), project reen
Sat, 19. February 2000
psychedelic trance eventDJs: nartak (freeform), psychowarrior (cosmicwalker), falk (project reen)
Sat, 04. December 1999
open air on the premises of the old paper mill at Nausnitz
Fri, 03. September 1999 - Sat, 04. September 1999
for hemp parade in berlin we were venture with a for SHIVA's GARDEN (hall) there.
Sat, 28. August 1999